About Me:

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Welcome! I'm a neo-hippie chick working to balance my love for all things earthy and natural with all things glamourous and spectacular! And all, naturally, on a serious budget! I want to share my adventures with my family back home in Los Angeles and.....all of you!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

{Neat Party Trick}

With all this talk about my Mom-In-Law, I figured I would throw in a little story about her birthday party we had at our house just a couple days ago...and I must admit, I'm pretty proud of the little magic trick that I performed in the laundry room. In order to preserve precious counter space in the kitchen for all of the delicious food that we prepared, I decided to use the washer and dryer as the drink area. But who would want to hang out in there?

My laundry room. Certainly not festive enough for a party.

And now...for the magic word......
Neat Trick, Huh??

By using pretty things that I already had around the house, I was able to take a cluttery space
and turn it into a colorful and festive room fit for entertaining guests! This is what I used....

Pink parasols previously used as decor for a garden wedding.

Cheap but pretty items I had from the GoodWill

I tossed a regular old white sheet that's usually  used as a paint dropcloth (and a back-seat cover for car rides with the doggie) on the washer and dryer, and layered it with a grey paisly shower curtain thing that I got at GoodWill for a dollar, and a pink table runner, also from GW for 50c.

Put them together and the laundry room becomes a fun place to grab a soda and admire the cupcakes!

I also conjured up some magic to hide the cabinet contents (detergent and whatnots) with pretty pool towels.
Pretty genuis, I must say. I could have bought ballons to liven up the space for the party (which I often do), but instead, I got to work employing items that I had laying around the house. It cost me not one red cent--I used pretty things that I already had; leaving us money to get mom-in-law a nice gift and plus, it gave me a place to "sweep things under the rug"! Makes me try to think of other things that I can use in unintended but interesting ways!
What fun, free magic tricks have you performed for a party or other occasion? I wanna hear about it.....

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