About Me:

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Welcome! I'm a neo-hippie chick working to balance my love for all things earthy and natural with all things glamourous and spectacular! And all, naturally, on a serious budget! I want to share my adventures with my family back home in Los Angeles and.....all of you!

Friday, May 24, 2013

I'm Back on the Blog!!

Blogging is Hard! 

That's probably why I haven't done it in forever!!

My last post was sometime in 2012, and time since then has been devoted to learning a new skill, (I am now OFFICIALLY a Licensed Massage Therapist!) getting a new job, (and quitting that new job after a year!), developing a massive love affair with Pinterest, and getting focused on the direction of the improvements in my life and home.

So why take the time to continue this blog, you ask? 

Or, maybe you don't ask... 'Cause after all, I don't know if anyone at all is reading this! But I'm going to answer anyway: it's for a couple of reasons.

Firstly: after scrolling through a few years worth of pics on the computer, I remembered how much fun it is to see where you started and how far you've come. When I look back at the completely empty house, I don't feel so bad anymore that my bedroom isn't painted and that there are no curtains in the hallway. I can see the enormous amount of work that we've done with very little money, little pockets of time here and there, and plenty of imagination.

Secondly: I like to brag! I guess a nicer way to say it would be that I like to share.  (Bragging really is probably the best word for it though, I shouldn't lie) I've gotten SO MANY ideas from so many bloggers (all consolidated on Pinterest), that I feel like sharing my successes, failures and evolution is just the neighborly thing to do.

Thirdly: Writing is a underdeveloped tool. For me in particular.  It's a great exercise to explore complete process of thought and creation. Writing is so theraputic that I've decided that I don't care if anyone, at all, ever reads this blog! This will be my little corner of cyberspace that I can have fun with.

Fourthly: (Are these real words anymore??) My fourthly reason to continue this blog is probably the biggest reason.  And that reason is to do something. Anything. More accurately, it will be the reminder to me, that I am doing something. Or that I am doing nothing.

Uhhhh......What was that last one???

I think you get it. ;)


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